The growing of huge gooseberries, providing fierce competition, is a long-standing tradition in mid Cheshire going back over 100 years. There are four colours of gooseberry, yellow, red green and white. The different classes are for the heaviest, a ‘premier’ single berry, twins and triplets. The secrets behind growing big gooseberries can be a closely guarded secret, held by the individual member of the various clubs. However, they are always willing to both help and advise. They are ready too to provide gooseberry trees for new members to get started. The fruits are weighed in pennyweights and can be the size of plums or even larger. The Crown Inn is the home of the Crown of Peover Gooseberry Show which takes place there on the last Saturday in July. The winning berries are displayed in the Crown Inn for the next few days following the show, for all comers to admire. It’s a very friendly show and is a light-hearted affair, with members having great fun as well as treating it seriously. If you would like to become involved you would be made very welcome. Please contact the Show Secretary, Keith Tickle,